Contact Angela on 086 3019519
Cushinstown, New Ross Y35 A279
Energy Work
Our bodies are made up of energy and everything that we experience is energy. Every thought we have from the experiences we encounter passes through our body as energy through our physical, spiritual and emotional and mental bodies, while passing through our main energy centres, also known as chakras. These energies that I am referring to are - emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.
The happier we perceive emotions to be the easier they pass through our body (the bodies stated above), however if we perceive our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours as hard to deal with and come from a place of trauma they tend to slow down and get stuck and form density within our body. This will slow down the spinning of our energy centres (chakras) thus lowering the frequency of our body. This will make it harder to find and feel contentment, joy, love and healing. This causes the body to experience imbalance; depression, disease, aches pains etc.
My job as an energy healer through Rahanni and Reflexology or a combination of both is to start clearing the density within your body, thus bringing light, love and healing thus raising your frequency, to allow the body to continue to heal itself.
You are perfection, you don't need me to heal you. What has happened over a period of time is dense energy has got stuck and you have started believing that it is You but it is not. I am here to help you move the energy through the body so you Your Perfection can shine through!
Both Reflexology and Rahanni are beneficial for Fertility. I have designed a workshop for fertility that includes, wellness, yoga and education around your cycle.
Energy Work
Reflexology and Rahanni offer you some timeout while also releasing negativity and stress from the body, while allowing healing. My healing workshops will allow you to continue the healing process yourself.
There are many benefits to keeping well during pregnancy for you and baby. Pregnancy Reflexology brings different benefits at different stages of your pregnancy. Stimulate labour and prepare body for labour
The Mature Woman
For those peri-menopausal or menopausal, there's no need to suffer in silence. Get in touch and let's get you back to feeling yourself.
Reflexology & Rahanni
Energy work
Help remove dense trauma from the body, allowing healing to take place.
I relax and enjoy the healing, feel clearer and able to enjoy life better" Rahanni Client
More about my services ...
Reflexology, after 20 years, still amazes and inspires me. Each time I do a Reflexology treatment the feet are telling me a story. I work on the areas of resistence, releasing the dense energy and allow the body the chance to heal itself.
Rahanni is the purest healing treatment. Rahanni releases the density, which builds up as stresses and worries within the body and allows healing. This healing is suited for the times we live in and helps you cope better with your daily stresses. It really has to be tried to be believed. Also very suitable for children suffering from anxiety, autism, ADHD
Some lovely comments from happy clients ...
"Angela is a very patient, clear with instructions she instils confidence in the parent and encourages participation in a reassuring way"
Pregnancy Yoga Classes
Commencement dates below. Receipts given for health insurance.
Pregnancy Yoga
Classes for 2025
Tuesday 4th of March at 6:30pm (each Tuesday for 5 weeks)
€85 for a block of 5 classes
About Me ...
Angela Devereux MNRRI
I am a registered Holistic Therapist, qualified in Holistic Massage, I am a registered Reflexologist with the National Register of Reflexologists Ireland. I have always been interested in the healing powers of relaxation and I am passionate about helping my clients. I'd love to help you. You can read more about me here.
Care and compassion for my clients is always my priority
Find us in beautiful county Wexford.
I'm dedicated to helping people — in all stages of life — stay healthy and well. Angela
Book an appointment now or contact me at info@lodgeroadtherapy.ie or 0863019519 for further information.
Information on this site is not meant to provide a medical diagnosis. Contact Angela to discuss your specific situation. © 2022 Angela Devereux - Website Design by ImpulseHub