Reflexology tells me a story about your body. I look at the feet, listen to you, and then work on every area.
There is thightness, heat or some restitance when I feel a blockage. These link directly to the area in your body where they are having trouble. I release the tightness and this allows the body to heal.
"Angela is a total professional and very knowledgeable. I have felt the benefit of every treatment I've had so far". - A Reflexology client.
Evolution of my Reflexology Healing
Reflexology is a passion of mine and over the years I have evolved how I offer reflexology.
The results I get with my clients astound me even after 20 years!
As soon as the client lies on my bed I can visually see their posture by the way they are holding their feet. (Posture can play a big part in your digestion!)
I can see the colour and know where there is a lot of toxic energy.
With the energy work that I do with Rahanni, I have developed my natural intuition (it is never wrong)
I now use these energy techniques and my clients feel instant healing and relief. (all clients do react differently)
This means that my reflexolgy healing is more gentle but highly effective.
I get results with my clients, each appointment we chat and plan moving forward.
It is recommended that you come for a series of Reflexology.
I am a Registered Reflexologist with National Register of Reflexologists (Ireland) (MNRRI)
Contact Angela on
Tel. 051 428798 or 086 3019519 email: info@lodgeroadtherapy.ie
Cushinstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford
Reflexology with Children €40
Reflexology €55
Reflexology is covered by Laya Health Care, VHI and Hibernian Aviva Health. Please ask for a receipt.
Payment Option: Cash, Card, Revolut, Google Pay, Apple Pay
Reflexology can help with many of the following common complaints:
- Headaches/migraines
- Constipation
- Respiratory problems
- Arthritis
- Sinus problems
- Pain Reduction
- Fertility problems and Infertility
- Depression
- Anxiety/Stress
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Pregnancy
- Muscular system
- Immune system
- Cancer Care
Fertility Reflexology
Fertility Reflexology compliments any other medical assistance.
Treating my client as an individual and looking at what is infront of me.
Reflexology releases the stress and negativity from the body and allows healing to take place.
Balancing hormones and relaxing the body.
Fertility Reflexology and why this might suit you.
Like I explained above my reflexolgy has evolved over the years and how I work with a client has evolved too.
I listen to each client and I want to know your very peronal story (there are never two the same and it is completely confidential)
We chat about bringing the control back to you. (More in my Fertility Wellness Workshop)
Reflexology for you the client is all about switching off and allowing me work with your feet to release any area that is holding on to negative energy and stress.
Negativity and stress manifests itself as pain or an illness in your body.
Warning signs that we have ignored in the past can often come up when trying to plan a family. (Look at your cycle and other factors)
There is no blame or shame, I work with complete compassion and I always strive to get the best results for my clients, what ever stage they are at.
It is recommended that you come for a series of appointments to get the most from Reflexology. We can chat about what is relevant to getting the best from your cycle and your fertility on your first appointment.
Even if your not wanting to become pregnant but your cycle is not what it should be, Reflexology is definitely worth trying.
Pregnancy Reflexology
Women's Health Reflexology including - Fertility Reflexology
Find out about more.
Information on this site is not meant to provide a medical diagnosis. Contact Angela to discuss your specific situation. © 2022 Angela Devereux - Website Design by ImpulseHub